We offer you great facilities join us!

Slide Located on A38 by junction 16
-Easy for you to get to and good parking too!
Part of the Almondsbury sports complex. Offers tennis , other sports, bar and catering…
-Great opportunity to find the sport for you and socialise in the bar too
4 all weather floodlit quick drying tennis courts
-Maximises your opportunities to play all year round
All standards of play. Sociable, club tournaments, local league matches.-You will be able to find a level to match your aspirations.
Slide Top quality coaching team
-Opportunities to develop your game, get tips on the best equipment for you and re-stinging at the club
Very sociable membership
-Meet and make new friends and have fun on court and in the adjacent bar!
Lady playing tennis
Twice yearly membership survey
-Tell the club what it's doing well and what you think could be improved.
Almondsbury & Bradley Stoke Tennic Club